Mark Paid

Through PocketSuite, you can accept payment with our built-in payment processor or mark the transaction as paid. Use our Mark Paid feature for cash, check, and other payments to keep track of your income and which appointments, invoices, and any other transactions have been paid for.

To turn on the Mark Paid feature, tap on Settings > Features > Mark Paid toggle ON > Save.

The Mark Paid feature has 4 fields:


Pay method allows you to select from several options to keep track of how transactions were paid for.


Payment no. allows you to give this transaction a number to keep track of it. This field is optional.


Transaction date allows you to record the date payment was accepted OR backdate if necessary. 

To back date a transaction; tap on the date field and select the associated date. You can easily backdate a transaction to any past date in the current calendar year, or, if you’re in the first month of the new year, you can backdate to the first day of the previous year. 

Ex: Processing transaction on any day in January 2021, you can back date to January 1st 2020

Ex: Processing transaction on February 1st 2021, you can only back date to January 1st 2021


Send receipt allows you to decide whether to send a receipt for point of sale, appointment, invoice, estimate, and package transactions.


The Pay method options are:



You can use Mark Paid for charged transactions, appointments, invoices, estimates, gift certificates, and packages.


Using Mark Paid on iOS


Through the Charge Flow

You can use Mark Paid for any amount over $1 using the Charge button on the home screen.

To start, tap the white Charge button in the top left of your home screen.


Enter the amount to be charged along with the client, any items, and/or a description. Then tap the blue Charge button at the bottom of your screen. If you choose to leave the client field anonymous, you can always add contact information after you process the transaction in order to send the client a receipt.


Next, select how you would like to collect payment. You can use a card reader, charge a card on file for a client, add a new card to a client, or tap Other to mark it as paid. image12.png

After tapping Other, choose the payment method, select the transaction date, add an optional payment number, and choose whether or not to send a receipt. Then tap Done.


After you’ve entered these custom payment method details, tap done then tap Mark Paid. If you have gratuity enabled, you can add gratuity on the next screen to keep track of tips paid outside of PocketSuite.


Appointments, Invoices, Packages, Estimates, and Gift Certificates

You can also mark appointments, invoices, packages, estimates, and gift certificates as paid using the Charge button.

From an already created appointment, invoice, package, estimate, or gift certificate, tap on the Charge button on the left side of the screen.


Tap Other to mark the transaction as paid. After tapping Other, choose the payment method, add an optional payment number, select the transaction date, and turn send receipt ON/OFF.

Tap done and then tap Mark Paid. If you have gratuity enabled, you can add gratuity on the next screen to keep track of tips paid outside of PocketSuite.



To create a new package and mark it as paid, start on the home screen and tap on the Packages tab.


From the Packages Dashboard, tap the ‘+’ in the top right corner to sell a new package.


Next, fill out the Client, Package, and any other information on the Sell package screen. Tap Next when finished.


Tap Save to save the package without sending it to the client.


Then, tap View package.


From the package screen, tap Charge.


Tap Other to mark the package as paid.


After tapping Other, choose the payment method, select the transaction date, add an optional payment number, and choose whether or not to send a receipt. Then tap Done.


After you’ve entered these custom payment method details, tap Mark Paid. If you have gratuity enabled, you can add gratuity on the next screen to keep track of tips paid outside of PocketSuite.



To find unpaid Packages, start on the home screen and tap on the Packages tab.


From the Packages Dashboard, tap the Packages drop down menu with the down facing arrow next to it at the top of the screen.


Tap Not Paid to filter by unpaid packages.


From here, you can tap on an individual package or tap on the three dots next to a package to charge it or mark it as paid.



Using Mark Paid on Android


Through the Charge Flow

You can use Mark Paid for any amount over $1 using the Charge button on the home screen.

To start, tap the white Charge button in the top left of your home screen.


Enter the amount to be charged along with the client, any items, and/or a description. Then tap the blue Charge button at the bottom of your screen. If you choose to leave the client field anonymous, you can always add contact information after you process the transaction in order to send the client a receipt.


Next, select how you would like to collect payment. You can use a card reader, charge a card on file for a client, add a new card to a client, or tap Other to mark it as paid. 


After tapping Other, choose the payment method, select the transaction date, add an optional payment number, and choose whether or not to send a receipt. Then tap Done.


After you’ve entered these custom payment method details, tap done then tap Mark Paid. If you have gratuity enabled, you can add gratuity on the next screen to keep track of tips paid outside of PocketSuite.


Appointments, Invoices, Packages, Estimates, and Gift Certificates

You can also mark appointments, invoices, packages, estimates, and gift certificates as paid using the Charge button.

From an already created appointment, invoice, package, estimate, or gift certificate, tap on the Charge button on the left side of the screen.


Tap Other to mark the transaction as paid. After tapping Other, choose the payment method, add an optional payment number, select the transaction date, and turn send receipt ON/OFF.

Tap done and then tap Mark Paid. If you have gratuity enabled, you can add gratuity on the next screen to keep track of tips paid outside of PocketSuite.



To create a new package and mark it as paid, start on the home screen and tap on the Packages tab.


From the Packages Dashboard, tap the ‘+’ in the top right corner to sell a new package.


Next, fill out the Client, Package, and any other information on the Sell package screen. Tap Next when finished.


Tap Send to send the package to the client.


Then, tap View package.


From the package screen, tap Charge.


Tap Other to mark the package as paid.


After tapping Other, choose the payment method, select the transaction date, add an optional payment number, and choose whether or not to send a receipt. Then tap Done.


After you’ve entered these custom payment method details, tap Mark Paid. If you have gratuity enabled, you can add gratuity on the next screen to keep track of tips paid outside of PocketSuite.



To find unpaid Packages, start on the home screen and tap on the Packages tab.


From the Packages Dashboard, tap the Packages drop down menu with the down facing arrow next to it at the top of the screen.


Tap Not Paid to filter by unpaid packages.


From here, you can tap on an individual package or tap on the three dots next to a package to charge it or mark it as paid.



Using Mark Paid on Desktop


Through the Charge Flow

You can use Mark Paid for any amount over $1 using the Charge button on the home screen.

To start, click on the blue Charge button in the top left of your home screen.


Click Select if you want to choose a client to add to this transaction, and then select the client, or leave the client blank. Click Add Item to add the total for this transaction.


Enter a dollar amount in the Total field. You can also select any items, edit the description, and turn sales tax and discounts on or off for this transaction. Once you’re finished entering these details, click on Done.image10.png

Then, click Next.


Next, select how you would like to collect payment. Click on the Charge drop down menu to see the options to charge the card on file for that client, add a new card for that client, or other. From this screen, you can also add a discount, edit sales tax, add gratuity, and edit the receipt memo. Please note that the surcharge will not be included for Mark Paid transactions. Click on Other to mark this transaction as paid and move on through the charge flow.


After clicking on Other, choose the payment method, add an optional payment number, and select the transaction date. Then click on Done.image25.png

A pop up window will appear, click on Mark Paid to complete the transaction and mark it as paid.


Appointments, Invoices, Packages, Estimates, and Gift Certificates

You can also mark appointments, invoices, packages, estimates, and gift certificates as paid using the Charge button. From an already created appointment, invoice, estimate, gift certificate, or package, click on the blue Charge button.


Click on the Charge drop down menu to see the options to charge the card on file for that client, add a new card for that client, or other. From this screen, you can also edit the total amount of this transaction and add any gratuity. Click on Other to mark this transaction as paid and move on through the charge flow.


After clicking on Other, choose the payment method, add an optional payment number, and select the transaction date. Then click on Done.


A pop up window will appear, click on Mark Paid to complete the transaction and mark it as paid.




To create a new package and mark it as paid, start on the home screen and click on the Packages tab.


From the Packages Dashboard, click on the Sell button in the top right corner to sell a new package.


Next, fill out the Client, Package, and any other information on the Sell package screen. Click on Next when finished.Screen_Shot_2022-12-09_at_12.57.53_PM.png

Click on Save to save the package without sending it to the client.


Then, click on View package.


From the package screen, click on Charge.


Click on the Charge drop down menu to see the options to charge the card on file for that client, add a new card for that client, or other. From this screen, you can also edit the total amount of this transaction and add any gratuity. Click on Other to mark this transaction as paid and move on through the charge flow.


After clicking on Other, choose the payment method, add an optional payment number, and select the transaction date. Then click on Done.


After you’ve entered these custom payment method details, tap Mark Paid. 


To find unpaid Packages, start on the home screen and tap on the Packages tab.


From the Packages Dashboard, click on the drop down menu next to the sell button to filter your packages. Click on Not Paid to filter by unpaid packages.


From here, you can click View on individual packages to pull up the package screen and mark them as paid through the charge flow.


Video Walkthrough

See the video below for a walkthrough of how to use Mark Paid on mobile:

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