How can I protect myself and business from disputes?

There’s no guaranteed way to prevent disputes, however there are some best practices that businesses can implement to minimize disputes from occurring. Such as:

  • Obtain client signature for services that are agreed upon, especially if you’re setting up recurring subscription payments for the client.
  • Clients should pay using cards under their own name. If using a card with different name, confirm that they have authorization to use the card.
  • Have a cancellation policy that is clear and easy to understand. If you happen to have a strict no refund policy, it may be worth being lenient on this policy for certain situations, depending on the client’s circumstance.
  • Once you’ve completed a service, do a final check to make sure everything that was agreed upon has indeed been completed and nothing was missed.
  • Keep good communication with your clients and resolve any concerns as soon as you can.
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