PocketSuite’s Forms feature allows you to collect and save information on your clients. Personalize your services with great intake forms that enable you to learn more about your clients and use their post-appointment feedback to make their next session even better!
To get started, make sure that forms are enabled by going to Settings > Features and toggle on “Forms”.
Note: This article does not cover Online lead forms. See our online lead form article for more information,
In this article:
- Learn how to create custom forms
- Create new forms from currently existing forms
- Add a contract section for clients to review and sign
- Add a form to your online booking or online ordering checkout
- Send, manage, and track client form responses
- See the client view of your form
How to create a custom form
To get started, tap on “Forms” in “Settings”.
To create a new form, tap on the “+” in the top right corner. Tap on “Create a form”.
Now you can begin customizing the contents of your form! Begin by giving the form an descriptive name and adding an introduction and instructions on how to complete the form for clients.
Now you can add questions to the form. To get started, tap on “Form questions”.
Each form question has three settings, (1) the question, which is called label, (2) the type of response you would like the client to give, and (3) whether or not the client is required to complete the question as part of submitting the form. Tap on “Label” to add your question.
Tap on “Question type” to define the type of answer you would like from clients. You will see several different options for question types. These question types help guide and restrict the type of response a client can give. See a list of question types and descriptions below:
- Text: Clients will answer using a text box
- Integer: Clients will answer using a keypad permitting only numbers
- Single Choice: Clients will be given a list of options and are required to select one. Learn how to customize these single choice options below.
- Multiple Choice: Clients will be given a list of options and can select more than one. Learn how to customize these options below.
- Checkbox: Clients will be given a checkbox to affirm the statement in “Label”.
- Date: Clients will be asked to write a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Decimal number: Clients will answer using a keypad permitting only numbers and asked to enter a number containing a decimal.
- Currency: Clients will be asked to enter a currency if not in USD.
- Long text: Clients will answer using a text box up to a maximum of 999 characters.
- Email: Clients will provide their email address.
- Phone number: Clients will provide their phone number.
If you add a “Single Choice” or “Multiple Choice” question type, you can customize the responses that your client chooses from. A new field “Options” will appear. Tap on “Options” to add response options. Tap “Add an option” and add your response. Tap “Done” when you are satisfied.
If you would like a question to be required for your client to complete, toggle “Required”. Tap “Save” before exiting this question creation screen to ensure your selection is saved.
You have successfully added a question to your form! If you would like to add more questions, tap “Form questions” again and select “Add a question”. If you would like to view all of your current questions, tap “View all questions”.
If you would like to require this form to be completed every time a client books or pays you, use the “Always require” setting. However, if you only need clients to complete it once, make sure to keep “Always require” toggled off. You can also set the form to expire after a certain amount of time. For example, if you want your clients to fill out a form yearly, set "Always require" to Every 12 months. During whichever checkouts the form appears, after 12 months from the first time the client completes the form, they will be required to complete it again.
If this form is for clients to complete, toggle “For client to complete” on. If this is a private form that you are using to take notes and manage your record keeping for a client, toggle “For clients to complete” off.
Note: If “For clients to complete” is toggled off, clients will not be able to view nor complete the form. They will be available for you (and your team) to complete and store within your client records.
If you would like the client to acknowledge that they completed the form or sign a contract/waiver as a requirement to completing this form, tap “Attach a contract” and select a contract to attach.
Congratulations! You have successfully created a customized form. Be sure to attach a photo to the form with your branding or trademark. When you have completed setup of your form, tap “Save” to ensure that your changes are saved.
The form will appear under “Forms”. If you would like to edit any form at any time, you can edit it by tapping on the form and tapping “Edit form” or “View & edit questions”.
How to create new forms from industry standard forms
PocketSuite’s Forms feature provides you with the ability to add and edit industry standard forms for your profession. Additionally, PocketSuite also saves you time by making available industry standard forms and contracts to help you get prepared for clients, set expectations with clients, protect your business from risks and liability.
Once you are in “Settings > Forms”, tap on the “+” in the top right corner to begin. Tap on “Add form from defaults”.
You will see all of the forms available to you. If you would like to add one of these forms to your toolkit, tap on the form and tap “Next”.
If you would like to edit an existing form, go to “Settings” and tap on “Forms”. Tap on a form and tap “View and edit questions”.
Tap on the question you would like to edit. You may also change the questions’ order of appearance by pressing the three lines on the side of the question and dragging them around.
How to add contracts to forms
PocketSuite’s Forms feature allows you to require clients to review and sign contracts in order to complete a form. If you wish your client to complete a contract every time they fill out a specific form, you may do so by tapping on “Attach a contract” when customizing a new form.
If you wish to add a contract to an already existing form, go to “Settings” and tap on “Forms”. Select a form and tap “Edit Form”. Tap “Attach a contract” and select a contract. Your client will be required to complete this contract whenever they receive this form.
You may also attach contracts to forms when sending them to clients. Tap on “Attach a contract” during the flow to attach a contract to the form being sent. This does not alter the settings of the form and you may choose to attach a different contract when sending the same form.
How to add forms to online booking and online checkout
PocketSuite’s Forms feature allows you to prompt users to complete forms when booking or checking out. To do this, go to “Settings” and tap on “Forms”. Tap on “Edit Form”
Toggle “Always require” on. The client will be required to complete this form when booking or checking out.
How to send, manage, and track client form responses
PocketSuite’s Forms feature allows you to send forms to your clients as well as fill out forms on your client’s behalf. All responses will be saved to your forms dashboard for future reference. To get started, tap on “Forms” from your dashboard.
You are now on your forms dashboard. The forms dashboard allows you to track, save, and view the status of all forms you have sent out. Tap on the “+” in the upper right hand corner to begin.
Select a form to complete. You may also create and add a form here by tapping on the “+” in the upper right corner.
Tap the client that you would like the form to apply to. If you want to send them the form, tap “Send form”. If you want to fill out the form on their behalf, tap “Fill out form”.
If you tapped “Send form”, you will be asked to determine whether you would like to send the form via text, text and email, or email. You also have the option to attach a contract for the client to complete. Once you are ready to send, tap “Send”.
If you tapped “Fill out form”, you will be prompted to fill out the form questions. Once you have completed the form, tap “Send”. If you would like to send the form to your client, tap “Send form”. If you would like to save the form, tap “Save”.
Congratulations! You have successfully filled out a form for your client’s behalf. Their responses will be available for you to view any time. To see your clients’ responses, tap on “Clients” from your dashboard, then tap on the client whose form you would like to view.
Tap on “History” then “Forms”. All completed client forms are saved and viewable in your Forms dashboard . Tap on any form and view the information.
Client view of forms
Your clients can receive and complete sent forms through PocketSuite’s client app or on a web browser. If the client receives the form through the client app, it will appear on their messaging dashboard. They will then be prompted to complete the form.
If the client receives the form through SMS messaging, they will receive a link to complete the form on a web browser.
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