Online Chat

The chat widget allows you to gain leads from your website using a live chat! Potential clients can chat with you from your website or social media right into your PocketSuite messages. To turn on your chat widget, head to settings>features>online chat>toggle on>save

Quick Setup:

Once you have it toggled on, head to settings>chat widget and get the instructions emailed to your email address on file. When you get the email, you can copy and paste the code right into your website or use the link to put it on your social media. 

Note: If you already have a booking widget and/or online leads widget, don't include the parts between the <script></script>. Otherwise, you'll see duplicate widget buttons.

Detailed Setup:

After you have the chat widget toggled on, head to settings>chat widget.


Tap on send email under instructions. You'll get an email to whatever email you have listed under settings>profile. You can follow the instructions to get it into your website. Your widget link will be listed. 


You can also tap on preview to see the chat widget look.



Once you have it on your website, you'll see a chat icon on the bottom right corner. You can tap on it and see what the chat looks like. 


After their phone number has been verified through the chat, you'll get their message right to your messages in PocketSuite. You'll notice it says "live chat" next to the name. This way, you know it's live to respond quickly.


Inside the message, you'll see registered online so you know where they came from. You can tap on that to see more information.


If you need any help installing your widget, just reply to the instructions email with your login URL to your website and your login information. We can also help install it on any social media. You can email with the same information. Feel free to message us in app with any questions!

Check out the video tutorial below:


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