Feature |
Dynamic Field Name |
Purpose |
*Packages* |
{total} |
Total of all packages in transaction.
{amount} |
Amount of a single package item in a transaction.
{capacity} |
Number of sessions listed in a package.
{package} |
Name of the package itself.
{memo} |
Additional line item information.
{payment_method} |
States the method of payment; e.g. cash, card, etc.
*Bookings* |
{total} |
Total amount of a booking.
{amount} |
Individual amount of a booking.
{deposit} |
Displays the deposit amount for a single booked service.
{rate} |
Total minus the deposit amount.
{number} |
The number of bookings in a transaction.
{location} |
Location as defined in booking.
{duration} |
Length of time listed for a booking.
{memo} |
Displays the appointment description.
{date} |
{time} |
{end_time} |
Time booking is slated to end.
{employee} |
Pro completing the booked service(s).
{employees} |
All Pro's assigned to a booking.
{service} |
Inserts the first service in a booking.
{services} |
Inserts a comma separated list of all services in a booking.
{payment_method} |
States the method of payment for a booking; e.g. cash, card, etc.
{custom_create_custom_tag} |
Creates ability to custom define a dynamic field. The format is {custom_"insert label here"}, cannot have duplicate names.
*Estimates* |
{total} |
{amount} |
Amount of single service listed on estimate.
{deposit} |
Deposit amount necessary to begin work.
{rate} |
Total minus the deposit amount on estimate.
{number} |
The number assigned to the booking, similar to how contracts have a unique number assigned to them.
{memo} |
Displays the estimate description.
{date} |
{payment_method} |
Payment method used for services rendered based on the estimate.
{expense_total} |
Expense sub-total on estimate.
{item_total} |
Sub-total of all services on an estimate.
{total} |
Total price of subscription.
{amount} |
Total less any discounts for the subscription.
{number_of_payments} |
Number of payments required based on a subscription; e.g. 1 month, 6 months, ad infinitum, etc. would be 1, 6, and continuous respectively.
{date} |
Date of subscription start.
{end_date} |
Date that subscription ends.
{memo} |
Memo field description of the subscription.
{payment_method} |
Payment method used to purchase subscription; e.g. cash, card, etc.
{plan} |
Places the name of the subscription into a contract.
{name} |
Name of the person completing the form.
{custom_create_custom_tag} |
Creates ability to custom define a dynamic field. The format is {custom_"insert label here"}, cannot have duplicate names.
*Client* |
{name} |
{phone} |
{firstname} |
First name only of client.
{company} |
Company that the client belongs to.
{email} |
{street} |
Street address of client.
{unit} |
Unit number of address listed for a client.
{city} |
City as listed for a client.
{state} |
State as listed for a client.
{postal_code} |
ZIP code as listed for a client.
{address} |
Full address as listed for a client.
Creates ability to custom define a dynamic field. The format is {custom_"insert label here"}, cannot have duplicate names.
{me} |
Business name. If no Business name added, Pro's first and last name. |
{today} |
Literally the date a form/contract is being completed on.
{me.widget} |
Pro's booking widget URL.
{me.widget.lead} |
Inserts URL for Pro's online lead widget.
{me.widget.pay} |
Inserts URL for Pro's online payment widget.
{me.sms} |
Phone number or business premium number listed for a Pro.
{me.company} |
{me.email} |
Email addresss that's listed on file for a Pro.
{me.firstname} |
*Invoices* |
{total} |
{amount} |
Amount of single item entry on invoice, does not work with multiple line item entries.
{number} |
Inserts the invoice number into a contract.
{location} |
Location where service was done per address listed for a booking.
{memo} |
Additional line item information for single invoiced item.
{date} |
Date that services were rendered on.
{payment_method} |
Payment method used to pay invoice.
{expense_total} |
Total of additional expenses as listed on invoice; e.g. gas, food, additional mileage in some cases, etc.
{item_total} |
Total of stand alone items on invoice.
{booking_total} |
Total of booking, does not include additional line item prices, just price of booked service.
*Sub-accounts* |
Can be used wherever a sub-account is attached.
{subaccount.name} |
Name of the attached sub-account
{subaccount.birthday} |
Birthday of attached sub-account |
{subaccount.address} |
Full address of the attached sub-account
{subaccount.street} |
Street address (Address line 1) of the attached sub-account |
{subaccount.unit} |
Unit (Address line 2) of the attached sub-account
{subaccount.city} |
City of the attached sub-account
{subaccount.state} |
State of the attached sub-account
{subaccount.postal_code} |
Zip code of the attached sub-account
{subaccount.all} |
All sub-accounts associated with the client, comma separated in alphabetical order
{subaccount.custom_} |
Syntax for sub-account custom dynamic fields to be used in contracts, invoices, estimates, and saved messages