What is the widget?
The PocketSuite client intake widget is a website plugin you embed on your website that lets customers submit lead or client intake information with you over the Internet.
Is it for me?
The widget is for you if you want to collect contact information from prospective or new clients and even add custom fields to collect additional information. You can embed this widget onto your website, social media, and even your email signature. Never miss an opportunity again!
Client intake widget instructions:
Add the client intake widget to your website using the following instructions
Online forms:
To add forms online for clients to fill out, use this code:
<div id="ps-book" data-form="FORM_ID"></div><script src="https://book.pocketsuite.io/static/javascript/widget.js"></script>
You can get the form ID from your messages using the www icon. You can also get it from settings>forms>select form>preview>share to open in a web browser>look at the end of the link after the last /.
To add booking online for clients to submit, use this code:
<div id="ps-book" data-lead="USER_ID"></div><script src="https://book.pocketsuite.io/static/javascript/widget.js"></script>
Your “USER ID” can be found in the instructions email you send yourself by going to Settings > Online widgets > Client intake in the PocketSuite app). Insert the code snippet anywhere inside the <body> of the page where you want the widget to appear.
I don’t have a website. Can customers still submit lead forms with me?
Yes, they can – just add the link to your client intake widget to either your email and/or Facebook page.
Your unique client intake widget link: https://book.pocketsuite.io/lead/USER_ID.
What does the client intake widget come with out of the box?
The widget comes with four fields (name, phone #, email, and address). The address field is optional.
Is there a way I can customize the client intake widget to fit my needs?
Absolutely – you can add custom fields to the client intake widget under Settings > Online widgets > Custom fields. Just make sure to show the fields on the “client” record and they will automatically add to your client intake widget.
How will I know when someone fills out my client intake widget?
We will send you a push notification (if enabled) or SMS (if push is disabled on your phone) and the lead will show up right on your CLIENTS tab under the LEADS section. As soon as you transact with that lead, it will convert to a client in PocketSuite.
Is this secure? How do you prevent spam?
Yes – we use SSL to secure every page. Furthermore, we verify the mobile number entered by the customer.
Will visitors to my website need to download PocketSuite?
No. All interactions between you and the client occur over text message, email, and the secure booking (or online form/lead) web pages.
Instructions for Website Hosting Platforms
Click Embed Code and drag & drop block into page. Double click block, configure alignment, and then copy & paste widget code. Save and publish your page.
Click Add (+), select Apps, and select HTML, and set the Mode field to HTML code. Copy and paste the widget code into the HTML / embed code field. Move the field around as you see fit. Because the HTML code block is absolutely positioned using an IFRAME (as opposed to displayed inline on the page), ensure that the field size in the bottom right corner has a minimum size of 404 x 644. Save and publish your page.
Go to the Builder section and select Custom HTML (usually under the Other category). Drag and drop it to the section of the page where you want the button to appear. Double click the Custom HTML field on your page then paste the widget code into this field. Save and publish your page.
Select a space on the page where you want to add the widget, tap ‘+’ to select a component to add, and select Code. In the Edit Code dialog tap on the settings icon in the URL field to open the Edit Code Data field. Copy and paste the widget code into this field. Save and publish your page.
WordPress (or Custom Design)
Copy and paste widget code into location on page where you want the booking widget to Appear.
*** Note: When copy and pasting this code, always ensure there are not "illegal" quotations and they display as straight up and down rather than slanted – if there's any doubt, please replace them with newly typed quotations from the keyboard.
Still have questions about how to install your widget or anything else?
Feel free to contact us anytime at support@pocketsuite.io or text us on PocketSuite.