Online Booking – Multiple Locations

If your business has multiple locations that you’re running through one PocketSuite account, there are options for setup to help make this a more seamless experience. If you have multiple locations or are a franchise brand and are interested in PocketSuite’s solutions for running locations separately but with unified reporting, lead management, and automated royalty collection, please reach out to us at


There are two options for setup for running multiple locations covered in this article:


Also covered in this article:

Categories as different locations

You can use PocketSuite’s Categories feature to organize your services by business location. Rather than creating categories for different service types, you can create categories for each location managed in your account. Note that you cannot create sub-categories, so within each locations’ category, all your services will be listed together. This is the best solution for team accounts where both locations are open simultaneously. To get started, you will need to duplicate the services, classes, and reservations that will be sold in multiple locations. It is recommended to include the location name in the title of each service. When setting up the services, you can also adjust their availability to match the availability of your locations. For example if you are in one location on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and another location on Tuesdays and Thursdays, set the availability of each service accordingly based on location. 


If multiple locations are open at one time, be sure to set up your team members in PocketSuite so that booking runs properly. 


Next, go to “Settings” > “Categories” and tap “+” in the top right corner. Tap “Create a category”.



In the “Name” field, write the name of one of your business locations. We also recommend including location details in the category description. Tap “Items” to add the services available at that location. To learn more about customizing services, click here. The setup of availability and service location is discussed later in this article. Keep “Show online” toggled on. 



Your category will now appear when your clients book you online, allowing them to specify where they wish to have the appointment. The name of your service specifies where the appointment will be held.



This option for setup can also be used on your online ordering site for products. 


Using team members as locations

PocketSuite’s Team Members feature can be used to specify where a client will have their appointment. This option is only available to Pros who do not have existing team members. This option for setup is used primarily by solo Pros who split their time between multiple locations. If you’re on a Premium plan, you can upgrade to the Team plan under Settings > Change Plan. Learn more about setting up Team Members here. Create a new team member by tapping on “Teams” from your dashboard and selecting “+”.


In the “Name” field, enter the name of your business location. Tap “Address” and input the address of one of your business locations. In the “Contact” field, you will need a unique phone number for each location. If you have additional phone numbers available to you, use them here or reach out to us to request additional numbers. put your contact information or a business-designated line. In the “Role” field, select “Staff” or higher. Complete the rest of the form as you normally would.


Tap on the staff member you just created. Tap “Edit” and tap “Services offered”. Tap all of the services you offer at this business address. Tap “Done” to save your changes. When setting up the team member, you can also adjust their availability to match the availability of your locations. For example if you are in one location on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and another location on Tuesdays and Thursdays, set the availability of each “team member” (location) accordingly. 


Be sure that “Show online” is toggled on so clients will be able to select a location at booking. If you sell products, be sure that “Allow pickup” is toggled on so clients purchasing products can select a location. You can use the Bio field to clarify specific location details if necessary.


Now when your client goes to book a service, they can select a location in place of a team member to specify where they wish to have their appointment. You can check the team members assigned to their appointment to view its location.

Directly edit the location of a service

PocketSuite’s Services feature allows you to set locations for your services. To learn more about setting up services, click here. To get started, navigate to your services by going to “Settings” > “Services”. Tap on the service you wish to edit and select “Edit Service”.


Tap on “Location” and tap “Another location”. Write the address of your business’ other location in. Tap “Done” to save your location. It is recommended that you include the name of the locations that the service is offered at in its name.



Now, whenever a client books a service at an alternate branch, you will be able to track which location they are attending.


Managing Income Reporting by Location

By writing a service's location in their names, you can track your income activity for each of your separate locations. PocketSuite's Data Export feature provides a comprehensive summary of your business activity and is your first step to managing income reporting. To get started, go to "Settings" > "Data Export".

Tap on "Export types". Select the features whose revenue data you wish to view. Tap "Send" to send the data to your email.

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