PocketSuite makes it easy to collect important files from your clients with Document Fields. Document Fields allows your clients to upload multiple files and photos when they submit forms, complete your Online Leads form, or book your services online. Plus, you can add files and images to their client profiles.
Our documents feature supports a range of file types, including PDFs, DOCXs, JPEGs, PNGs, and HEIFs (the standard iPhone photo file type).
Important: The maximum file size for uploads is 10 MB. Clients will be notified if they exceed the upload limit.
In this article, you will:
- Learn how to create a file upload field type
- Learn how to upload documents to your clients’ profiles
- See how clients will add documents to online forms, online bookings and product orders
- Find out where you can preview uploaded files
Create a “file upload” field type
In the PocketSuite app, go to Settings > Client Fields. Tap the plus sign (+) in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
Give your field a title and then tap Field type to view all available field options.
Then select File upload from the list.
Tap Show field to choose where the file upload option will appear for you and your clients. You can choose if this field type appears only on your client records, or if it will appear to clients during checkout.
If you toggle on an option under “Show during checkout,” clients will be given the option to upload files when they fill out your online leads form, book your services, order a product from your online store, or complete some other checkout. Check out our article on Client Fields to learn more about setting up your fields so your clients see them in the correct flows.
You can also add a file upload option to individual forms. When creating or editing a single form, tap Form Fields > Field type. Then select the File Upload field type.
Any files you collect will be added to your Documents dashboard, allowing you to easily see the various files your clients have uploaded.
With any client or sub-account file upload field, you can set and track the expiration of the uploaded files. This is a great way to stay on top of client records that require updating from time to time, for example a vaccination record and proof of insurance. Check out our article on Document Expiration Tracking to learn how to set up expiration tracking.
Upload a file to your Client’s Profile
To get started, select a current client to edit or add a new client. Then, scroll down their profile and tap More Details.
Here you will see all of your custom fields. Find the document field you added and Tap Choose file.
Next, you can choose to upload a photo from your library, take a photo, or select File Upload.
If you select File Upload, you can choose any supported file type saved in your iCloud documents, Google Drive, or any file storage app on your device.
If you choose to upload a photo, you’ll be taken to your phone camera or camera roll. You may have to give PocketSuite permission to access your camera roll.
If the file is uploaded correctly, tap Done to save updates to your client’s profile.
Note: Clients can also upload documents and images to their own profile (and subaccount profiles) in the Client app without booking an appointment or completing a form. Learn more about PocketSuite’s client app.
Upload a file to an Online Form, Online Booking or Product Order
When clients fill out your online form, book you for a service or order a product from your online store, they’ll be prompted to upload a file.
They will tap Choose file.
Next, they can choose to upload a photo from their library, take a photo, or select File upload.
If they select File Upload, they can choose any supported file type saved in their iCloud documents, Google Drive, or any file storage app saved on their device.
If they choose to upload a photo, they’ll be taken to their phone camera or camera roll. Your clients may have to give PocketSuite permission to access your camera roll.
If the file is uploaded correctly, clients can go ahead and Submit their completed form or tap Next to complete checkout!
Preview Uploaded Files
You can preview files that have been uploaded by your clients by visiting their client profile, booking record, order record, or completed form, depending on where the document field was added.
For example, go to your client’s profile. Then tap on the uploaded document to see a preview.