What is capacity utilization and how is it calculated?

As part of Smart Reports, PocketSuite offers three variations of a capacity utilization metric to help you understand how much of your availability you’re being booked for. They are Capacity, Class Capacity, and Reservation Capacity. 




The general metric is called simply “Capacity” and measures the percentage of your available hours that were booked. The formula for calculating this metric is fairly simple:


Number of hours booked for services and class lessons (does not factor in the number of clients in class lessons, see below) + buffer time (since you’re busy and technically “utilized” during this time) / the number of available hours in the time period selected (your business hours and the business hours of any team members) - blocks. If the selected date range include dates in the future such as "This month," the capacity metric accounts for pending appointments as well.


Here’s an example: 


If John works 10 hours a day with no blocks, no buffer time, and 2 hours of appointments, John’s capacity for that day = 2/10 = 0.2 = 20%. 


Now let’s say John hires another team member to also work 10 hours per day but still only has 2 hours of appointments with no blocks or buffer time, John’s new capacity for that day = 2/20 = 0.1 = 10%. 


Finally, let’s say John’s new employee starts teaching a class for 3 hours each day in addition to the original 2 hours of bookings, still with no blocks or buffer time, John’s new capacity for that day = (2+3)/20 = 0.25 = 25%. 


Pro tip: When viewing the capacity metric on the reporting dashboard, you can group your data by date to see a daily breakdown or by team member to see how your capacity differs between team members. Particularly if you let clients choose a team member at scheduling, this is a great way to see which of your team members are in the highest demand.

What if I change my schedule?


The capacity metric also factors in changes in your schedule to ensure that the data is historically accurate. For instance, in the example above where John adds a new team member, if he looked at his capacity for a past date (before he hired the team member), the capacity would still be based on the number of team members he had at that time. 


Note: Schedule changes prior to April 2024 were not recorded, and all capacity measures prior to April 2024 are based on that month’s schedule. 

Class Capacity

If you offer classes, the Class Capacity metric measures the percentage of class slots that were booked across all lessons in the time period selected. It also factors in the duration of each lesson, so longer class lessons are more heavily weighted. 


For example, if Michael has a 3-hour class has a capacity of 10 and has only five clients booked into it, the class capacity for that day will be 50%. 


Now if Michael adds another 1-hour class which also has a capacity of 10 and only has five clients booked. This would bring Michael’s utilization to 37.5% because of the difference in duration between the two class lessons. 


Reservation Capacity


Finally, for reservations, the Reservation Capacity metric measures the percentage of your total reservation capacity that is booked. You can set your Overall Reservation Capacity under Settings > Scheduling. Note that in team accounts, this is a per team member setting and not a setting for your entire business. Your reservation capacity is based on this setting and calculates the number of active reservations you have on a given day divided by the overall reservation capacity. 


For example, let’s say Kathy is a dog trainer who also boards dogs in her home. She has room for up to 5 dogs at any one time, so she sets her Overall Reservation Capacity to 5. Today she’s boarding two dogs, so her Reservation capacity is calculated as ⅖ = 0.4 = 40%. 


Pro tip: The heat map is the best way to visualize these capacity metrics.It allows you to view the distribution of your schedule utilization across the days of the week and the time of day. This helps you see which days and times are the most in-demand and where there might be weak spots in your schedule.

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