What is a heat map, and how does it work?

With PocketSuite’s Smart Reports, you can view your data as a bar graph or on a heat map. The heat map shows you how your metric data, such as income or number of bookings, is spread amongst the days of the week and the time of day within the date range you set.  You can see at a glance which days and times you earn the most income or are most often booked. It’s a great tool when you need to make important decisions, like when you might need additional staffing or whether there is a demand for additional business hours on certain days.




The heat map is most powerful when used with the Capacity metric. The capacity metric calculates the percentage of your availability (in team accounts, this includes all team member availability) that was booked. It even accounts for blocks to tell you exactly how much room there is in your schedule to bring on new clients. The heat map helps you visualize your capacity to tell you where the strengths and weaknesses are in your schedule. The capacity metric and heat map account for changes in your schedule as well. So, if you expand your business hours, that will not change your capacity utilization data in the past.


Generally, the darker squares on the heat map indicate times when you have more activity. With capacity, this means those days and times are more heavily utilized and indicate that there is more demand for those times. By contrast, the lighter squares tell you which times are less utilized, indicating a potential weak point in your schedule. We recommend using this metric over slightly longer time periods, such as a quarter or a year, to give you a sense of your overall business health and mitigate discrepancies that can occur on a given day or week due to an unusual event such as a holiday.


Check out the built-in capacity report by tapping on the arrow at the very top of your screen and selecting the Capacity report.

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