Charge By Day or Night

Not all bookings are created equal! When creating a reservation on PocketSuite, you can choose a pricing strategy that meets your and your clients' needs. 

In this article: 

  • Learn how to set the price of a reservation

To set up or edit the cost of a reservation, go to Settings>Reservations>Select an existing reservation to edit OR create a new reservation.

Tap Price.


Add your price, then tap Charge By to control whether to charge by the day or by night.

You can charge a reservation by the number of nights, by the number of days, or by a fixed cost. For example, if a reservation starts on Monday morning and ends on Tuesday evening, that would count as one (1) night. If a reservation starts on Monday morning and ends on Tuesday evening, that would count as two (2) days to be charged. It’s up to you! 


Note: You can only charge by day or night when the reservation’s Duration is set to Flexible. A flexible duration means that each booking will be of a different length, and the cost of each booking will be different, similar to a hotel reservation. On the other hand, if the reservation’s duration is set to Fixed, the price is also fixed for every booking. Example: If you set the price of a reservation with a fixed duration to $100, the client will be charged $100, whether that duration is one week or one month.  

Pro Tip: Remember to set a deposit for your reservation in case of last-minute changes or cancellations. If the reservation's duration is set to flexible, the deposit will be multiplied by the days or nights (depending on your Charge by setting), just like the price. 

And you're all set! Tap Done to finish setting up or editing your reservation.

Important: When you adjust the duration of an active reservation, the cost does not update automatically. You will be prompted to update the price manually.

Learn more about reservations:

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